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Oceanfront Lot In Sarteneja

$ 135,000
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This 105 x 78 sq.ft. seafront lot is the ideal place to start building your dream home right at the ocean in the small quaint fishing village of Sarteneja, located in the Corozal District of Belize.

Sarteneja is the largest fishing community in Belize and its original Mayan name was “Tza-ten-a-ha”, which means “water between the rocks”.

The village is located on the Sarteneja Peninsula, approximately forty miles by road from Orange Walk Town and its economy is based primarily on fishing for lobster, conch and fin-fish. It is home of shipwrights who are still active, having built most of the traditional fishing boat fleet and many of the sailing boats that operate in tourism for sailing tours. Every year on every year on Easter Sunday Sarteneja’s Easter Regatta takes place.

Country: Belize
Open In Google Maps
Property Id : 22856
Price: $ 135,000

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