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74 Acres Of Various Crops, Matale, Sri Lanka

$ 838,000
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 Location : 31Km from Matale Town in Kurunegala Road –
Yatawatte (approx. 45min to reach to Matale town)
41Km to Kurunegala Town ( approx. 1hr to Reach)

 Extend of Land : 74 acres

 Price : Rs.155Mn ( Rs.155,000,000/=) Negotiable
(838,000 USD)

 Main Crops : Coconut, Pepper, Nutmeg, Cinnamon,
Cloves, Coffee, Areca-nut, Banana

 Fruits : Mango, Rambutan, Butter Fruit, Mangosteen, Durian and other trees

 Other Valuable Trees : Approx. 2000 no of Teak, 1000 no of other trees such as Mahogany, Sapu, halmilla and Lunumidella

 Buildings :
• A newly designed three-story house constructed in 2016 (Worth Rs. 22,500,000/-)
•Two storied antique building with 3 rooms and 2 labor rooms, wooden up stair which built more than 150 years
• Another small labor house (with separate electricity lines)
• Another building with a labor room and copra oven

 Roads : Two roads are there from Yatawatte and Dodangaslanda to the property. And Easy accessible roads all over the property (Gravel) to pick the harvest

 Water : Natural stream water

 Agricultural Values : Constructed ditches are used as soil protection method and sedimentation of water ways

 Harvest : • Coconut  Approx. 1500 fecund trees / 500 new trees  Average 20000 nuts per pick  Annual Income – 100,000* Rs 35/-(average)=3,500,000/- (P.n. –Price can be vary from Rs 20/- to 75/-)  6 term per year

• Pepper  Approx. 2300 Creepers  22,000kgs of green pepper per annum  Annual income – Rs 3,500,000/- (leased price)  Planted in 10 acres as a sub crop under coconut

• Cinnamon  Approx. 1000kg ( according to 2017 features. Should have increased by now)  Annual Income -1000* Rs 2500/- = Rs 2,500,000/-  Planted in 16 acres as a sub crop under coconut

• Cloves  Approx. 75 trees  2500kgs per annum  Annual Income 2500* Rs 1000/- = Rs 2,500,000/-

• Nutmeg  50 Fecund trees, 100 Newly planted trees  1800kgs of dried nuts for annum,

 Annual income(Dried Nuts) 1800* Rs 700/- = Rs 1,260,000/-  60kgs of dried nutmeg flowers per annum  Annual Income(Nutmeg Flowers) 60* Rs 3500/- = Rs 210,000/-

• Areca-Nut  Approx. 4000 trees  Raw Nuts – 18000 per annum  Annual Income 18,000* Rs. 2.50/- = Rs 45,000/-  Dried Nuts – 500 per annum  Annual Income 500* Rs. 275/- = 137,500/- 
• Coffee  400kg per annum  Annual Income 400* Rs 500/- = Rs 90,000/-

• Banana  Approx. Rs 150,000/- income per annum

Please note that these harvest features and prices can be vary with the weather conditions and market price.

Country: Sri Lanka
Open In Google Maps
Property Id : 21351
Price: $ 838,000

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